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Metroline Route 182 VP341 LR52BNZ Plaxton President VolvoB7TL Harrow Weald (HD)
Metroline Route 182 VP610 LK04UWS Plaxton President VolvoB7TL Harrow Weald (HD)
Metroline Route 182 VP355 LR52BNN Plaxton President VolvoB7TL Harrow Weald (HD)
Metroline Route 182 VP627 LK54FWF Plaxton President VolvoB7TL Harrow Weald (HD)
(HD) LR52 BNJ - Route 182 to Harrow Weald - Plaxton President - Harrow High Street
182 to Harrow Weald, Oxhey Lane
Metroline VP628 LK54FWG route 182 (Farewell VPs in Harrow Weald)
Journey On The 140 (VP341,LR52BNZ) Volvo B7TL 10m/Plaxton President
Journey on the 182 (VP624, LK04UXG) - Plaxton President
Metroline Volvo B7TL Plaxton President VP333 LR52 BNK on route 182
Buses in Harrow Weald 18/06/2016
Route 182: Metroline London: VP320 (LR52BLX): Volvo B7TL/ Plaxton President *ODD SOUNDING